Saturday 29 March 2008

Raspberry leaf tea

Well, the due date was yesterday, so we decided to be drastic and reach for the raspberry leaf tea. Powerful stuff, apparently, so Marie-Claire sipped cautiously at a cup while I started the car and got ready to phone the hospital.

It looks like we might need a few more cups though. As you can see, the effect hasn't exactly been dramatic. The bump remains firmly in place and I've switched off the car. For now anyway...

Wednesday 26 March 2008

The bump cometh (almost)...

Here's Marie-Claire doing some waiting, while drinking tea and eating one of our endless supply of hot cross buns. Does anyone want one by the way? We seem to have about 400.

The baby's due this Friday. If it's not here by noon, we're planning on a very hot curry and some trampolining...

Sunday 23 March 2008

Still no news...

Happy Easter everyone!

Still no news on the arrival of the bump. We went to see the midwife this week, and all seems well. A week to go until the 'due date', so I guess we'll have to be patient and wait for it to decide it wants to make it out into the real world.

Meanwhile, the spectacular snow this morning seemed to completely fox the cats, who were not keen at all on venturing out, but didn't phase the chickens at all. They struck out bravely from their coop as if 4 inches of snow was part of their normal routine.

After an abortive attempt to put in an appearance at mass this morning (we got the wrong time), we spent most of the day trying to execute an extremely detailed recipe for hot cross buns, and waiting...

Thursday 13 March 2008

Here goes...

This is our blog. It's for our family and friends to look at so they can see all the funny things that happen in our little house. We have a new member of the family on the way who will no doubt have a lot to say here as he or she grows up. In the meantime, we'll put plenty of pictures up here for everyone to see and will tell embarrassing stories for as long as it's too small to blog for itself...

You can help by posting comments and pictures too, so eventually we'll have lots and lots of happy things to look back on, all those years ago in the spring of 2008.