Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Meabh meets the Fergusons

It was a whirlwind weekend, with a besotted Granny and Grandad Ferguson and Auntie Fiona flying over from Ireland to meet Meabh for the first time. She was very excited about the visit, and fell asleep especially - she was snoozing away happily when everyone arrived, and missed all the great presents they'd brought over for her.

Next day, we packed Meabh off in her pram for a long walk round the village, while the two of us finally caught up on some sleep. There was no rest for Meabh though - as soon as she got back she discovered that the Posh had just been promoted to League One, and was jumping up and down with excitement. She's really looking forward to next season now.

On Sunday, Meabh persuaded us to take her on her first outing to the pub. At one week old she was allowed in, but stuck to the soft drinks (largely milk, in fact). There were lots of admiring looks from the other pub-goers, and she behaved herself very well.

After managing to separate Meabh from her Granny, we then waved everyone off to the airport..


ChipperHull said...

Nice to see you already putting Meabh's life so far in a sporting context. Its the only way I remember things these days !

Cousin Freddie is ill at the moment having spent Monday and Tuesday throwing up and all of today so far in bed (its now 2.30 in the afternoon). He is still hoping to see Meabh soon though...

Granny said...

We had a great weekend with our beautiful granddaughter but did the only picture of me have to be one of me in a big blue dressing gown? Also the cushion in the background makes me look as if I have a hat on like Tommy Cooper!
I am very happy and proud!
Meabh's Granny.